My system is offline.
Help! I can’t arm my system!
Make sure the interactive panel is plugged into a working power outlet and is powered on. If your panel shows an AC Power Failure message, this means the panel is not connected to an active power source.
To reboot the panel, manually power it off for 60 seconds and then power it back on. You can also swipe down to access the Settings tray, tap Settings, then Advanced Settings, enter your Master code, and select Panel Reboot.
If you need further assistance, please contact us.
Help! I had a false alarm.
When the alarm goes off, the monitoring station will contact you, at which point you can make them aware of a false alarm.
If you missed that call, you can contact the monitoring station at 800-475-3331 to report a false alarm. You will need to provide your verbal password.
Help! My alarm did not go off when it should have.
In the event you believe an alarm failed to trigger:
Make sure the interactive panel is plugged into a working power outlet and is powered on. If your panel shows an AC Power Failure message, this means the panel is not connected to an active power source.
To reboot the panel, manually power it off for 60 seconds and then power it back on. You can also swipe down to access the Settings tray, tap Settings, then Advanced Settings, enter your Master code, and select Panel Reboot.
Please also remember if a sensor was bypassed when the system was armed, that sensor therefore cannot generate an alarm. For example, if a window was left open or door sensor bypassed, and therefore the sensor was not activated upon arming, that sensor will not set off the alarm.
If your panel shows a Radio Not Responding message, this means the panel is not communicating with your network, and therefore may not trigger an alarm. You can try rebooting the panel, rebooting your modem and router, and checking the panel settings to make sure it is connected to your network.
If you need further assistance, please contact us.
Help! My alarm did not go off, but the police came to my home.
This can occur if you enter your duress code instead of your Master code. This will appear to disarm the system, but actually sends a silent alarm to the monitoring station.
Help! I can’t view my camera feed.
I have issues with other sensors / devices.
In the event of a device issue, you should see a Malfunction message indicating which device is having a problem. From the interactive panel, you can view Status of a device by swiping down to access the Settings tray, tapping Settings, and then tapping Status.
First, make sure the device has power (via a power source or battery) and is active. If possible, reboot the device by powering it off or unplugging it from its power source for 60 seconds and then powering it back on.
We also recommending testing to make sure the sensor or device is within range of the system. Try moving the device closer to your interactive panel to see if it reactivates. If it’s a door or window sensor, try opening and closing it when within closer range.
If you need further assistance, please contact us.
My system says I have a low battery in a sensor or device. How do I replace a sensor battery?
On the mobile app:
- You will be alerted to Device Low Battery if a battery runs low.
- Tap Device Low Battery for the device.
- Tap Fix It.
- You will be provided instructions to replace the batteries in the affected sensor or device. Make sure to replace batteries with the system disarmed, and be mindful of any tamper switch in the device.
Please note: If you see a Panel Low Battery message, this indicates the back-up battery in the interactive panel has run low. This may happen during a power outage. Please make sure your panel is plugged into an active power outlet, and the battery will recharge.